Thursday, March 17, 2011

GO For The Kill!!!!!

Hiding in the bushes, a lioness, watching a deer grazing.... The deer enjoying the freshness of the greens unaware of being watched. The lioness moves with great calm, she knows patience is the key, she crawls without a sound just one thing on her mind, her hungry cubs are waiting for her. The deer senses danger raises its head to see what it has sensed is true or not. Till now the game was one sided now both the players are involved. Next moment a 125 kg, 8 ft long beast is in the air, all set to GO FOR THE KILL!!!!!

This is nature. This is happening since time immemorial. The killed has benefited the killer in someway, hunger, lust, success, revenge. When the lioness goes for the kill... she had done all her calculations, she was armed with claws and teeth, which has evolved with time, what she was waiting was the correct time.. timing is everything for a successful kill. One can say the deer was at fault that it was not alert enough to save its life. But one should not forget an apt killer knows every detail of its prey's mind and body language... whenever it misses it may be called bad timing. Seagulls are more advanced than lions in timing the way they catch fish underwater.

For animals the killing instincts are inherited but somehow the prey does not evolve and pass on the instinct to save itself. I wonder why evolution fails here. One might say some animals develop protections but it only makes a killer smart and intelligent, because they anyway get killed.

Why I have been giving this example is not because I have a Nat Geo hangover, but because humans have interestingly both the traits, killer as well as that of a prey. You and I have both of them, one who goes for the kill evolves, and the prey always keeps running to hide from the killer, though he has the trait to be a killer and hence kill.

In our journey of life we get conditioned with one of these traits. Our surroundings, upbringing make us evolve into a killer or the prey. Being one of them is not a matter of pride or shame, they are the tools to be used. Smart killer is the one who knows when he can be a prey and turntables for its killer. This is the surprising element and the killer needs to understand how it feels to be a prey. That's why I say humans are gifted with both the traits but we rarely use both to our advantage. People who do, have evolved to a different level and inculcate the same in their generations. If one generation fails to adapt, the story may change and hunter becomes the hunted. That's what we see when big family business tumbles, large corporates fail or loose their name to others.

Its not possible for anyone to always carry that killer instinct and be a successful hunter always. If you are in the game polish your skills, or leave the game with dignity and dont return, but be vigilant. Influential leaders of their time retire this way.

I am not passing a judgement that killers are successful, but it is something I have observed. When the emperors and kings ruled the land it was more evident but now its more sophisticated.

Honesty may seem to be a sitting duck, but it can be a big time killer. Lord Buddha killed so many vices through his teachings. His aura was his weapon that brought his enemy down and the magic was there was no blood involved. Killing doesnt mean to take out life, but if you take out the evil you have killed one evil. Such Killers are rarely found. Emperor Ashok, Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Mother Teresa are other such examples.

Mighty. powerful and the oppressors can be taken as ferocious killers. But they are actually the one who are scared of being preyed and disguise as a killer. A prey disguising as killer is the most dangerous situation, its suicidal. There are many examples where such killers were hunted and reduced to nothing.

Politics, businesses require killers to run. Their type determines the longevity of their organisation.

The prey is the major category, abundantly found. If there are killers there need to be a prey. Though been in large numbers they have no say whatsoever on their living, which can be brought to shambles by the killer anytime. But it does not mean they are weak. To be a prey does not mean its weak. A weak prey is good as dead. The prey which I am talking about is disorganised, lazy, unadventurous. Like the deer, they just follow the herd in search of grasslands not knowing exactly where they are leading to. On seeing the grasslands they are overjoyed and forget that these grasslands may be a deceit from the killers or it may be hiding them. Killers often use such grasslands to attract their prey and then go for the kill.

Being a prey should be like one has chosen NOT to be a killer. As I have said prey is not someone who is weak. I repeat weak prey is same as dead, they roam around to be devoured. The deer is not weak, it has the strength to dodge and escape quickly. But a prey is always on the mercy of the killer, one day it will be hunted, the day when the killer times its act accurately. The only way the prey can save itself is by organizing. An organized crowd with same goal has great strengths. We have seen it lately in Egypt uprising, the supposedly prey (the Egyptians), ousted the dictator. But the only drawback is it does not guarantee who would be next, it will be a killer for sure, but what type. And will the prey stay organised always because there is max probability that some other killer has organised the preys to overpower its competitor killer. Such is the complexity in this relation.

A team leader, has to be a killer, either to lead a group of prey or a pack of killers. The leader needs to identify what type he is leading. A successful team is that of killers with same goal. Such groups should have less number of members. Any start-up, a critical project are initiated by such groups. When they grow they chose to bring in new killers and also preys. The preys are easy to manage and organize to meet a goal. Big organisations prefer them at execution level. Top level are for killers only.

To be a successful killer patience, perseverance, and most importantly timing is everything. A killer needs to understand everything about its prey and time the act of killing appropriately, but everything said it needs to first identify its prey, purpose of the kill and accept the following consequences too.

A prey can evolve by practising these traits diligently. Our deer has no killer trait and will stay prey forever, but as a human we have the killer traits and need to practise the art of killing. But remember practise the art of killing not to hide that you are a prey. The type of killer you choose to be takes you to one of the paths either glory or doom.

GO FOR THE KILL !!!!!!!!!!!