Monday, September 24, 2007

Winners Never Kill.... Its the Losers Who Die!!!

India Wins the First T20 World Cup!!! Congrats to all Indians... We got the kill. I nearly missed many of my heart beats and thanks to our team that it didn't allowed it stop.
Who does not like to win, or see their Nation, family, friends win. Is winning an act of chances or is it by grace of God or we need to inherit it. Well.... I guess winning lies in that extra push that we give out of our guts and say "Boy its Win or Die", but not to be taken literally, but still we need to push. If our opponent pushes better we lose.
How many times it has happened that we are about to break the winning ribbon but at the last one-tenth of an instant we are surprised "Man what happened, it was me who was winning there was no one around" and we see a victorious figure, leaving us with the thought "It was suppose to be me" But that extra push made him win.
The point I want to make is winners keeps performing at par with their opponents and when its time to hit the nail they hammer the best. Its that Extra Thing... Its what we can call courage, patience, intelligence sometimes common sense... whatever we call it but its generally a bit extra then those behind.
I nowhere want to pose as if I am winner or something..... but trying to just analyse whether winners follow some pattern to reach their goal or it just others accept them as winners and are contented with their positions. But I guess winners never content they CONTEND. They always throw challenge may be not sure of winning but try till the last drop, and somehow there is always a last drop for them.
Fire may have been discovered by chance but I wonder to think how that person reproduced it again. Wont it have been frustrating rubbing those flints, trying to get spark out of them. May be a neighbour laughing at him thinking him as a fool. But that didn't deter him. He believed and kept going on and on and on.... And POOOOOOOOOOFFFFFFF!!!! There was fire.... And the same same neighbour must have camp fired with him and danced around the barbecue.... That Extra perseverance gave us what we cant even think how life would be without.
I believe winners are winners... whether they win or not... sounds weird!!! I say losers are those who accepts defeat without giving their best. Winner will accept defeat from another winner may be in respect that the other just had something Extra which he was not prepared for, but will be better armed for the next dual.


Unknown said...

Well said about winners.
But to add to the same, winners believe in themselves have a sure confidence and have the maturity to understand that it is not always about winning but sometimes giving it the best shot and achieving the self satisfaction gives much more enjoyment than just being a winner!!!!

Unknown said...

Well said about winners.
But to add to the same, winners have a sure confidence, believe in themselves and have the maturity to understand that giving the best shot and enjoying self satisfaction from the same can sometimes be much more pleasurable than just winning the game! and it is not always being a winner that defines winning ....

Dharmishta said...

Too good blog.
One thing is missing according to me in your blog.... is ur winner is motivated only by its inner spirit. No external motivation is applied on it.
But according to my point of view External motivation works far better than internal motivation.
Like every person wants that someone believes in him/her.

mrigank_agg said...

well ritten Rajat...
I like the lines-
"I believe winners are winners... whether they win or not... "

Winning is a matter of mind.If u show enough guts to perform,resist the stress--u will surely win.
History is a proof of this.There are hundreds examples of victory of small size army against a large one.It is not the talent which is the lone benchmark for victory.

It is tact of performing in stress and taking chances.

well ritten...and kp posting..i will like to read your opinions..

Satyendra said...
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Satyendra said...

Hey..good to see ur blog. Well written about winners And i agree to the need of extra push and extra perserverance. However,here is some glare from my headlight :P

From a slightly different school of thought, Success is a state of mind quite irrespective of the scenerio where as winning/winner/ other words victory or defeat is a more objective and contextual thing. Indian team WON the 20 20 world cup .Indian team was declared WINNER of 20-20 WORLD CUP TOURNAMENT 2007.Any one can be a winner or a loser with reference to A PERTICULAR SITUATION and it would not be totally justified to generalize it...or otherwise create two catagories winners and losers (as your title suggests) because any one who has never been unsuccessful,has underestimated his potential and never tried himself against something strong enough! And may be that first guy who WON against and tamed fire was a LOSER till he realized the need for fuel to keep it going on... :-P

Keep writing. Hope to see some of ur poetic traits made visible from the next post :)